Yoga Poses for Back Pain Relief
It goes without saying, that the spine is central to our wellbeing. It provides a structure to the skeleton, as well. As we age, certain issues arise, that are beyond control. The spacing between the vertebra increases, while at times, the cartilages get corroded. You Could have faced some kind of trauma, and that can also trigger back pain. However, there is a cure for it, as well. You do not need to search here and there, as Yoga is omnipresent. You will be shown the right way, if you practice yoga on a regular basis. It is supposed to hold the key to your fitness. That is why, more and more people are embracing it, by rushing to the yoga.
Back pain is one of the most common health concerns. Given that we lead a sedentary lifestyle, with most having a desk job, it is something, each one faces. If you are younger, then the cure comes easily. And for the aged, you might have to resort to more restorative and therapeutic yoga. You will rarely need surgery, if you make yoga a part of your lifestyle. You can also head to the best yoga school in rishikesh, to learn about yoga practices, that can help you to manage your back pain in a far better manner.

More About Back Pain Decoded
So, here is a lot to know about back pain in general. Back pain can manifest itself in many forms. It can come up as a stabbing sensation, shooting pain, or slight burning sensation. It can also spread when you are into some form of physical action. It gradually goes away with some home treatment, like hot compress, massage, or the application of sprays. However, if it is deep seated, it may not go away, without deeper intervention. When the pain lasts for a long time. Then you should check with a doctor. Furthermore, doctors will give you some sort of tests, some medication, and a topical spray. But you can embrace yoga alongside, to get to the root cause. Unattended or unexplained backpain could be a result of another deeper medical problem, like bowel issues, problems with the bladder, kidney or the internal organs.
If you ever happen to enrol in the 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh, then you will learn about the muscles at work, and about the symptoms, and causes of back pain. You may have suffered a ligament strain, and it may lead to back pain as well. It happens to those, who are constantly lifting heavy objects or moving them around, in the course of life. The cartilages in the spine, can also rupture and bulge out. It is a part of the normal wear and tear. Osteoarthritis can affect the lower back as well. Spinal Stenosis can also be the cause behind back pain. Bones also become porous with time. So, that may also be behind back pain. You may also suffer from inflammation, which can cause the bones to fuse. This makes the spine less flexible.
All the above back issues increase with age and lifestyle. Moreover, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the above issues may increase. If you have excess weight, then also you may develop back pain. Stress is also known to contribute to back pain. Smoking leads to coughing and that leads to herniated discs. This is again another cause for back pain. If you increase physical activity, and maintain a healthy diet, many of the above problems can get solved. Always try maintaining a healthy posture. Yoga can help you with all the above. You can go to the best yoga center, to learn about various such asanas, and yoga kriyas. These will help you in your pursuit to remain pain-free and healthy all the time.
Yoga Asanas for Back Pain Relief
Marjaryasana – It is one of the most basic asanas, that you can practice for back pain. You have to start this asana from the table top position, with the core abdominal muscles pulled in towards the spine. The back will be rounded up as a result. The head will gently drop to the floor, in this asana. This asana is believed to calm the mind, and also alleviates one from stress. It is regarded as a spiritual practice as well, wherein it opens the Anahata chakra. In this pose, the knees should be directly below the hips and the hands should be below the shoulders. It provides a unique cure for your back pain. You will learn about this asana, at the best yoga school.
⦁ Adho Mukha Svanasana – It is a pose, which emulates the position taken by a Downward Facing Dog. Any beginner can also practice this asana. You have to be on all fours, as a part of this asana. When you exhale, you have to lift yourself up, with the buttocks jutting out. The arms and the legs remain straight. You have to widen the shoulder blades, and make sure that the ears touch the inner arms in this pose. You can do this pose, to stretch your entire body. Look towards the navel, when you are deep in this pose. When you head for yoga, then you will be greeted to such poses along the way to the ashram. This is also regarded as one of the best asanas, which can treat back pain.
⦁ Trikonasana – It is one of the most common poses, that emulates a Triangle. It is also one of the most important asanas in the realm of Hatha Yoga. It is basically a standing pose, in which your body will fold sidewards from the waist. The hands are also stretched outwards and have to be parallel to the floor. You have to ensure to touch the ground with the hand, that is on the bent side. The other hand should point the ceiling. It is mainly a stretching asana, which increases the spinal flexibility. It also reduces the stiffness in the body. This is one of the core asanas, which students learn as a part of the 100 hour yoga teacher training.
⦁ Bhujangasana – You will find this asana to be extremely beneficial for back pain. It is a gentle back bending asana, in which the body emulates the posture of a cobra. You can use it as a less strenuous alternative of the Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. It is also often the starting pose, for many other yoga poses that aim at reducing back pain. Your flexibility also improves as a result. You can do this asana on an empty stomach, like the other asanas. It is a great cure for Sciatica pain. It mainly targets the lumbar region, in this form, but is beneficial overall as well.
⦁ Shalabhasana – You can also learn and practice this asana, as a part of yoga. The body resembles the position of a locust in this yoga pose. You will also be exerting some pressure on the back, which leads to a reduction in back pain. The spine is bent backward in this pose as well, with the legs being lifted upwards. You look towards the front, without exerting much pressure on the neck.
⦁ Ardha Matsyendrasana – This is one of the most popular asanas, which you can practice today. It is a seated-twisted asana, that helps to improve the body posture and also restores the health of the digestive system. This asana has a three-fold action. It acts on the mind, body, as well as the soul. If you feel stiff in the back, then this is the asana for you. The asana not only calms the mind, but also detoxifies the body. This is a great asana, as the twist facilitates the squeezing out of all the toxins from the internal organs. This pose also corrects the posture and helps in increasing the agility of the spine. It also releases the excess pressure from the lower back.
⦁ Kapotasana – It is a seated pose, in which the practitioner assumes the form of a pigeon. Intermediates can do this asana. This is a asana, which opens up the mid- section of the chest and also fortifies the back. Your hip area will also open up as a result. It also helps in reducing the stiffness of the back and the hips. Your stress will also melt away, as you practice this pose.
⦁ Uttanasana – It is another easy standing pose, which most of you will find comfortable. It provides the spine, with an intense stretch. Long with that, the hips and the hamstrings are also positively affected. In this posture, you have to simply fold the body in forward direction, giving the back muscles an intense stretch. You can learn this asana at the best yoga school. Your nervous system also gets a boost in this pose.
⦁ Malasana – This is another effective asana, if you want to strengthen your pelvis and lower back. Yogis at Rishikesh, also refer to it as the Garland pose. It is basically a very complex pose, that includes various muscles and joints. While doing the pose, you will learn about your body’s limitations. In this asana, you have to seat yourself in the deep squat position. The hands are held in a Namaste. The feet should be flat on the ground. The feet, ankles, and knees are all strengthened as a result of constant practice. You have to sit in such a manner, so that the body is symmetrical. The asana is also included in the 200 hour yoga teacher training.
⦁ Setu bandha Sarvangasana – You will experience a good amount of stretch in the upper back region. It also removes any sort of artery blockages. Your spine also gets a great boost of health. After you practice this for a while you can identify the benefits yourself. You must always practice this, with the help of an instructor in the beginning. That is why, it is apt to head to Hrishikesh Yoga School. You will get the best training and guidance there.
These are the best asanas that you can practice, for your back health. The best yoga school will provide you with ample assistance, so that you are able to learn and practice the same there.
Overall Benefits Of Doing Yoga For The Back
Yoga has lots of physical, mental, as well as emotional benefits. The most common form of yoga, which you will learn at the best yoga school, is Hrishikesh Yoga School. You will get proper guidance from the teachers there.
You will be doing Hatha Yoga more often, as a part of the yoga course at the best yoga school in rishikesh. Yoga practice leads to the strengthening of the muscles. When you hold the poses, it gives you double the benefits. Along with physical strength and stamina, you will also get to increase will power. That is absolutely essential, while you do the poses. Yoga is a movement-based modality, in which you will get to stretch as well as relax at the same time. So, there are benefits galore. You must always ensure to find out what suits your body best. It is not one-size fits all. You can enjoy the experience, only when the body and mind loves it. The teachers at the schools will help you to unearth your hidden potential. Visit the best yoga school in rishikesh to start your yoga journey today. Furthermore, lead a life that is free from back aches and pains.