What Are The Different Types of Prana?
You will come across the term ‘Prana’, while studying various holistic healing modalities. It comes in, when you discuss or study Pranic healing, Reiki, and also yoga. Furthermore, you will come across the word, in the context of kundalini yoga teacher training in rishikesh. To simplify matters for you, ‘Prana’ is nothing, but the basic essence of life. It provides vitality and energy, to any individual. Prana flows in all directions. Moreover, ‘Prana’ is the connection between the material world, your mind, and the consciousness. Prana can regulate many body functions, like breathing, elimination, and digestion as well. The Universal prana flows into the bodies of the humans on earth. Then the body divides the ‘Prana’ into various spheres. If the vibrations are healthy, then we say that the Prana is good. So, you can also associate this with the vibes around you.
If you head to someone’s house, where there is a lot of sadness and illnesses, then you call it bad ‘Prana’, You must understand the functions of Prana, as explained underneath. If you happen to join the best yoga center in rishikesh, then you will understand about the same in greater detail. To make matters easy for you, there are five Pranas and five Upa-Pranas. Hrishikesh Yoga School is the best yoga school in rishikesh, which will help you to master the subject in greater detail.

The Five Pranas
Prana – It is main function or task of the Cosmic Universe. Moreover, it supplies the human body with life-giving oxygen. The energy mainly flows from the nostrils to the heart. You must be aware that clean and purified air is necessary for well-being. However, the air around is not so clear, as it seems. That is the main reason why, most people are always sick. However, this pertains to the city dwellers.
If you meet someone from the suburbs, you will find them in a healthier state. Even if the air around them is not so clean, they will be in a better state than the city dwellers. There is another side to the story. Our health is not just impacted by the external conditions, but the internal ones as well. It is better described as ‘Atmabala’. If your ‘Atmabala’ is strong, external forces can rarely harm you. If you enroll in a 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh, then you will be better off, than the others. Yoga can change the course of your life in general terms. There are certain practices under the realm of yoga, which can strengthen your natural energy. The practices which we are talking about are Nadi Shodhana, Bhastrika, and Ujjayi Pranayama.
⦁ Apana – Moving on, now you should know a bot about Apana. It mainly involves the downward and outward flow of energy from the body. Take the example of exhaled breath, excretion, and menstruation. The main seat from where the Apana Vaayu rises, is the Mooladhara chakra. The Apana mainly facilitates the elimination function. However, it is much more than mere physical functions. There are various mental functions involved as well. If your Apana is not balanced, then your body will not be able to release negative energy. And it applies to emotional waste as well. If you improve the quality of ‘Prana’, then your Apana will automatically improve. These two mainly work in a balanced manner, and in conjunction with one another.
To make matters easy for you, Apana is all about physical, emotional, as well as mental release. Thus, it is important, that you keep a watch on what your intake is. It pertains to both the body and the mind. If you hold onto destructive thoughts and negative emotions, it will likely have a destructive effect on the body. Release is the key factor, that you have to pay attention to. The next time, you feel exhausted and unhappy, you must exhale more than you inhale. So, that all the negativity leaves your body. Get to know about the Prana in more detail, from the best yoga center in rishikesh.
⦁ Vyana – This is the third kind of Prana, and equally important. It flows through the nerve channels of the body. It has a profound effect on the entire body, including the nadis. If there is any sort of deficiency in this Prana, you will likely suffer from poor blood circulation, impaired nerve function, and nervous tension. If you practice breath retention on a regular basis, then you can strengthen Vyana.
The pause in between inhalation and exhalation assumes utmost importance here. In the practice of Pranayama, this pause is lengthened and then only it can create the right impact. When you retain breath, you create a high pressure within the body. This pressure often leads to energy blockages. Kumbhaka, as it is called also stimulates the functioning of the nervous system. If you know about Maha bandhas and Kumbhaka, you can create the right atmosphere within the human body and mind. You can also meditate well, after you have practiced Kumbhaka. The 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh will help you to learn about such nuances of breath in greater details.
⦁ Udana – Udana Prana is the Prana, that directs the flow of energy from the heart to the head and the brain. It mainly precedes the awakening of Kundalini Shakti. It is this Udana, which separates the astral body and the physical body. If your Udana is strong, you will be very comfortable while dying, and stay away from immense pain. If you are able to control the Udana, the body will be able to float.
That is the reason, why many sages can be seen walking over water and fire. Physical pain can no longer touch you, if you have a strong Udana. Most such yogis practice breathing exercises, which allows them to levitate and remain suspended. Such people are also unaffected by the heat, cold, and insects’ bites. If you practice Ujjayi Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, and Viparit Karani mudra, you will be able to enhance Udana. The best teachers will guide you through the practices to activate Udana, at the best yoga center in rishikesh.
⦁ Samana – Samana is another important Prana, that connects the Anahata and Manipura chakras. This Prana is responsible for distributing food energy throughout the entire body. You have got to understand, that food not only provides physical energy, but mental energy in the form of various types of consciousness. It also affects the psyche of humans. That is where the concept of Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic comes in. If you want to lead a balanced life, you must eat Sattvic ahara. Samana Prana mainly influences the Manipura chakra, which is associated with digestion. The element of this chakra is fire. Yogis can control hunger, if their Samana Prana is activated. The entire body is surrounded by a halo of light, in this case.
If you practice Agnisaar Kriya, and Nauli, you will be able to activate Samana Prana. The practice of the above kriyas, helps in increasing the digestive power. Your immunity towards cancers and other infectious diseases also increases manifold, if your Samana Prana is good enough. When the digestive fire is activated, the fire can kill all the germs and infections. You can also engage in Kriya yoga, to awaken Samana Prana. The aura gets brighter, as the Samana fire increases and encircles the entire body. Y ou can notice an aura around the practitioner, after you have practiced the above kriyas for a definite period of time.
The Five Upa-Pranas
Apart from the above Pranas, there are five Upa Pranas as well. Let us find out more about them.
⦁ Naga – It is the same as burping. This Prana can remove the blockages of Prana and Apana. So, if you are suffering from excess gas formation and flatulence, then you should focus on the activation of Naga. If you suppress Naga for too long, it is known to cause cardiac ailments. If not taken care of, in time, this Upa Prana can lead to severe indigestion. The best gurus from the best yoga center in rishikesh., can help in guiding the practitioner through the kriyas, which can help in the activation of the said Upa Pranas.
⦁ Kurma – This is another Upa Prana, with origins in the eye. This is mainly associated with the opening and closing of the eyelids. This Prana is at its highest form, when we are awake. Kurma also protects the eyes from dust and other polluting matter in the atmosphere. If the Upa Prana is in disturbed state, you will be subjected to excessive blinking and twitching. You can practice the Shatkarma kriya, Trataka which can help in strengthening the Kurma. Along with that, you can also engage in Om chanting. Thirdly, you can use a warm compress over the eyes to maintain the balance of the Upa Prana. Additionally, asanas in which you are looking towards the floor, also help in strengthening this Upa Prana. You can head to the best yoga school in rishikesh to learn about all the mentioned practices.
⦁ Devadatta – The function of this Upa Prana, is very similar to Samana Prana. You can yawn and expel some of the gases that are stored in your stomach. Moreover, it also associated with tiredness. Many yogis live on a simple diet of milk and fruits to balance Devadatta. It is also the name of the vehicle of the 10th avatar of Lord Vishnu.
⦁ Krikala – It is mainly responsible for sneezing actions in all beings. Basically, it helps in releasing the sputum from the throat and nasal passages. It carries many dirt particles, along its way out. The blockages in the respiratory system, will be removed, through the proper activation of this Upa Prana. It can also clear various blockages in the head, and cures headaches as well. A sneeze can also give the body a jerk, and strengthen the spine in the process. So, this Upa Prana has quite a few beneficial functions.
⦁ Dhananjay – This is the fifth Upa Prana, but equally important. This Upa Prana resides inside the body, even after death. It is another name for fire. Its location is close to your heart. If this Upa Prana is disturbed, it can lead to heart attacks and strokes as well.
Now, you have a fair idea of the Pranas and Upa Pranas. However, the knowledge goes beyond, what you read here and is best learnt at the best yoga center in rishikesh. The four areas of the body, which have a strong flow of Prana are the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. The feet are connected to the earth element, whereas, the palms are connected to the air element. The Prana is distributed throughout the astral body, through a series of nadis. There are at least 72,000 nadis in the human body. You can cover all of the above in the 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh. It is an elaborate course which is taught at Hrishikesh Yoga School, the best yoga center in rishikesh. It is one of the best yoga schools in Rishikesh, or India. The three main nadis, that you will come across are Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. When you practice the right asanas and Pranayamas, the Pingala and Ida nadis get harmonised. The entire body is also balanced as a result. At one such moment, the Prana starts flowing through the Sushumna. This activates the chakras and the brain centres as well.
If you see Prana as a separate entity, it is pure. It picks up the aura from the surroundings. Each person radiates a different kind of Prana, which mainly depends on the food habits and lifestyle. Fresh Prana can increase the strength and vitality of the cells. If you allow the cells to die early, due to malnourishment, you will age early. That is something that most of you do not want. The regular practice of Yoga can help you to remain balanced throughout. It also helps, if you eat fresh foods. Learn about all of these in the sound healing course in rishikesh at the best yoga center in rishikesh.