What is the benefits of Tiryak Kati Chakrasana – Swaying Waist Rotating Pose
Tiryak Kati Chakrasana – Swaying Waist Rotating Pose It is also called the swaying waist rotational pose. This asana helps…
Tiryak Kati Chakrasana – Swaying Waist Rotating Pose It is also called the swaying waist rotational pose. This asana helps…
Uttanasana – Standing Forward Bend Pose The Sanskrit word Uttanasana, which means “intense” or “powerful,” and the word ‘Ut’ means…
Malasana – Squat or Garland Pose Malasana is a very simple seated position, which tones knees and ankle joints. Mala…
Kati Chakrasana – Waist Rotating Pose Katichakrasana is a preliminary standing pose which includes a spinal twist. The name traces its…
For years, we have stuck our kids and ourselves to following the conventional routes when it comes to making careers.…
Uttarakhand, known as the ‘land of the gods’, is also famed for being the abode of some of the most…
The soothing expanse of Uttarakhand, Rishikesh is a beauty to be reckoned with. The sheer brilliance it radiates around is…
We travel for various reasons, to detox and distress, sometimes for fun, at times to mix pleasure with business. A…
The holy town of Rishikesh is immersed in the history of mythical stories and numerous legends. This ‘Abode of the…
You have been doing yoga for a while now and now intend to take your practice a notch higher by…