The Lion pose is a seated yoga asana, which utilizes a powerful breathing technique to execute the full benefits of the pose. It is an excellent posture for releasing tension within the muscles of the chest and face. The Sanskrit name for lion pose is Simhasana, where ‘Simha’ means lion and ‘Asana’ means pose.

How To Do It?
⦁ Start with Vajrasana, where you are seated on the shins with knees together and big toes touching one another. Sit back on the heels and elongate the spine, through the torso.
⦁ Bring the palms to the knees.
⦁ Separate your knee according to your shoulder distance.
⦁ Inhale slowly as you elongate the spine.
⦁ Spread the fingers (claws) wide.
⦁ Open the mouth like that of a lion’s, while sticking the tongue out with the tip reaching for your chin.
⦁ Try to look into centre of the eyebrows and gaze up towards the third eye.
⦁ Prevent slouching by broadening the chest and drawing the shoulders back and away from the ears.
⦁ You have to exhale, and it should be audible as you make a roar with a “haaaa haaaa” sound.
⦁ Inhale next, and bring the face back to neutral, while relaxing the neck, chest, and hands.
⦁ Repeat for at least 8 rounds of breath.
⦁ It is one of the best asanas, which helps to calm the mind. It also soothes the mind.
⦁ The asana or pose helps to reduce the emotional stress.
⦁ If you do this asana on a daily basis, it delays the signs of aging.
⦁ It also prevents bad breath, by solving the respiratory tract problems.
⦁ It also tends to improve speech issues.
⦁ When you gaze at a certain point, which is the Ajna chakra, it soothes the mind. It also reduces the burning sensation.
⦁ Practicing this asana also improves the digestive power.
⦁ You cannot practice this asana for more than 3 minutes.
⦁ If you have weak wrists, you can practice the asana in Vajrasana.
⦁ If there is any sort of injury in the face, neck or tongue, avoid this asana.
⦁ If you have a broken, or injured knee or ankle, do not practice this pose.
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