Mandukasana also known as frog pose, is a simple yet intensive pose that brings length to the spine and also exercises the lower joints. Before attempting this pose, ensure your knees should warm and able to bend completely. You will find this asana to be one of the easiest that you can avail yourself of. If you practice this asana regularly, you will lose weight from the abdomen as well.
In Sanskrit, the meaning is- ‘Manduk’ means frog
‘Asana’ means pose

How To Do It?
⦁ You can start from the Vajrasana. The hands ought to be under the shoulders, and the knees should be under the hips. so that can stay in this posture for some time.
⦁ Inhale and elongate the spine by energetically extending the crown of the head and the tailbone in opposite directions. Move your knees outward slowly. You might experience a stretch in the groin area and thighs.
⦁ While bending the legs, your hips open up. The inner side of the feet, ankles and knees should touch the mat.
⦁ Exhale, and while engaging your core, lower down to your forearms, making sure your elbows are stacked right below your shoulders.
⦁ Now soften the heart muscles and the core, and allow your hips to draw back and down.
⦁ Stay here for five breaths and breathe deeply.
⦁ You have to slide the knees back to the original position, while releasing the pose.
The pose looks extremely easy, but carries tonnes of benefits.
⦁ When you lie down, then the abdominal area receives a good stretch. If you practice Mandukasana on a daily basis, then the abdominal fat slowly melts away.
⦁ If you are obese, then also you can do Mandukasana.
⦁ It helps in the treatment of constipation and indigestion.
⦁ If you have issues with flatulence, then also this asana is very useful.
⦁ Asthmatic people will also get relief.
⦁ If you practice this asana in the right way, lower back pain will vanish.
⦁ The muscles in the chest and shoulders also get a good stretch due to this asana.
⦁ If you suffer from muscular cramps, then this asana can help you as well.
⦁ If you suffer from any kind of ulcer, you must avoid this asana.
⦁ All those of you, who have had any surgery in the recent past, must also avoid this asana.
⦁ If you had any lower back injury or spinal surgery, you must avoid this asana.
⦁ Pregnant women should consult a physician and then only attempt this asana.
⦁ If you have any knee or ankle-related issue, you must wait until it is resolved, to start.
⦁ Anyone suffering from diarrhea and stomach issues, must wait till the same subsides.
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