Gorakşha is the name of one of the two sages who compiled the Hatha yoga science during the Middle Age. Gorakshasana is basically a seated balancing pose. You can also make it a part of your meditation sessions. You need to have your feet and lower legs in good shape, as this is a body balancing asana. The Gorakshasana traces its name to three Sanskrit words, ‘Go’ means ‘cow’, ‘Raksha’ means ‘protector’, and ‘asana’ means ‘pose.’ It is an asana, which is said to elevate the intellectual level. Moreover, you will find its mention in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita.

How To Do It?
⦁ Sit in a comfortable position.
⦁ Fold both the legs at the knees and bring the feet together with your hands. The bottoms of both feet should touch each other.
⦁ You have to place the hands in front of you, on the floor and lift your lower body up. Sit on top of your feet.
⦁ Place your hands on the knees.
⦁ Keep the trunk, head, and the neck straight and look straight ahead.
⦁ Feel comfortable and sit in this posture for as long as you can.

This asana has a lot of benefits. Read about them here.
⦁ It improves the body’s balance, if you do this asana on a regular basis. It also helps to preserve the integrity of the body.
⦁ The asana also helps in maintaining the tailbone’s flexibility. You will be at ease, while walking, running and excreting.
⦁ If you practice this asana on a regular basis, it will activate and strengthen the leg muscles.
⦁ This asana also aids in awakening the Kundalini shakti.
⦁ This asana also stimulates the sexual energy.
⦁ If you practice the asana regularly, the blood flow to the abdominal organs improves, thus aiding in proper digestion.
⦁ If you have any issues with feet and leg joints, then you should avoid this asana.
⦁ If you suffer from Sciatica and lower spine pain, then you should avoid this asana.
⦁ If you suffer from knee pain, you must avoid this asana.
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