The word, Garbhasana Womb pose comes from the Sanskrit word, ‘Garbha’, which means ‘womb’ or ‘Embryo’. ‘Asana’ means pose. It is basically a seated and half-lifted pose. When you perform this pose, the body looks like a fetus. It is quite popular as a balancing pose. You can do this pose, if you suffer from excess anger.

How To Do It?
⦁ Sit on the ground with your head held high and spine erect. Extend both your legs forward in such a manner, that the knees and heels are aligned. With the help of your hands, you have to place your right foot on the left thigh and then your left foot on the right one. It is exactly like the Padmasana.
⦁ Pass your hands through the space between the calves and the thighs, close to your knees. Then, you have to thrust your arms forward.
⦁ Slowly exhale and raise your thighs off the ground. Bend your arms and then hold your ears with your hands. You have to balance your entire body weight on the tail bone also called coccyx.
⦁ You need to breathe normally and maintain the final position for about 10 seconds initially, and later stretch it to 30 seconds.
⦁ There are numerous poses associated with Garbhasana. Among them, the first one is that, it tones the abdominal muscles and also improves blood circulation. Your organs also work well.
⦁ The pose also benefits the lower back, upper back, and hip muscles.
⦁ The biceps, triceps, and the core muscles are also impacted.
⦁ Your body will become light as well.
⦁ It also controls the proper functioning of the nervous system.
⦁ It helps to relax the mind.
⦁ If you want to control your anger, then you must do this pose.
⦁ It also helps in alleviating nervous disorders.
⦁ It also effectively works on the adrenal glands.
⦁ The pose will improve your sense of balance.
⦁ If anyone is suffering from any sort of hip injury, this pose has to be avoided.
⦁ Pregnant women must avoid this pose.
⦁ If you suffer from Migraine, you must avoid this pose.
⦁ If you have sleep issues, then also you must avoid this pose.
⦁ All those of you, who have groin pain, must also avoid this pose.
⦁ Anyone who has recently have had any neck, shoulder, or knee injury, should also avoid this pose.
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