Study about Parivrita Trikonasana – Revolving Triangle Pose in detail .

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Parivrita Trikonasana – Revolving Triangle Pose

The name comes from the Sanskrit “Parivrita” means Revolve/ Rotate “Tri” means Three, “Kona” means corner/angle, Asana, meaning “pose.” So, Parivrita Trikonasana means Revolve Triangle Pose. This posture performs in two sides, facing to right and facing to left.

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How To Do It?

⦁ Stand in Tadasana position with the legs apart as per your comfort (try to keep them at least three feet apart), Legs aligned, Front leg toes pointing straight and back foot pointing less than 45 degrees towards inside. Knees are unbent, knee caps are pulled upward, trunk is extended, tailbone in, as you breathe in, stretch your arms in opposite direction at shoulder level and bring it parallel to the mat, palms facing down.
⦁ Now with next inhalation, twist your spine from the base of your hip joint, bring your left hand to your right toes, if it is difficult to reach, you can rest your hand on shin bone or ankle joint.
⦁ Make sure your arms are extended in the opposite direction and making straight line.
⦁ Check your whole-body alignment before you hold. Check the position of your legs, upper body, arms, fingers, shoulders and neck.
⦁ Look towards your right palm.
⦁ Hold this position up to 5/10 breaths or up to your comfortable capacity.
⦁ Then slowly step by step come out from your position by following your breaths.
⦁ The do the same way for left site.
⦁ After completing two side of your practice have rest in Tadasana position for few deep breaths, relax your body completely. Then move for the other posture.



⦁ This is an excellent pose that strengthens the leg and thigh muscles.
⦁ It also makes the hips and spine flexible.
⦁ If you practice this asana on a regular basis, the pelvic area and the reproductive organ will be toned.
⦁ It can also reduce your waistline fat.
⦁ It is a great antidote for acidity and gas.
⦁ If you are suffering from anxiety and stress, this asana is for you.
⦁ If you have knee pain or ankle pain, due to internal reasons, you can practice this asana to get some relief.
⦁ If you have any nervous system issues, you should do this asana.


⦁ If You have high blood pressure, you must avoid this asana.
⦁ Migraine sufferers must consult their doctors, before going for this asana.
⦁ If you have an upset stomach, you should not do this asana.
⦁ All those who suffer from insomnia, must not do this asana.
⦁ Patients, who have injuries in the neck, back, and spine, can avoid this asana.
⦁ Anyone who is Asthmatic, must avoid this asana.
⦁ Cervical Spondylosis patients must avoid this asana.

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